Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Nutritional Facts & Findings.

Latest On Acerola Cherry


Also commonly referred to as Barbados cherry, acerola is a cherry-like fruit that is commonly used as a dried powder for its super concentrated amounts of vitamin C. A valuable adjunct to the diet and an essential nutrient needed for many bodily functions, acerola is a whole-food-based vitamin C which contains the active ascorbic acid ingredient PLUS an important complex of other nutritional cofactors that make it easy for the body to digest and assimilate. The fruit is not typically eaten fresh, as it has a sour tart taste, but is commonly used as a powder in drinks, foods, and recipes. It is most frequently found as a freeze-dried powder or as a spray-dried water extract. These are created from raw skins and fruit pulp which are processed immediately upon harvest.

(Juga biasa dirujuk sebagai ceri Barbados, acerola ialah buah seperti ceri yang biasa digunakan sebagai serbuk kering untuk jumlah vitamin C yang sangat pekat. Satu tambahan yang berharga untuk diet dan nutrien penting yang diperlukan untuk banyak fungsi badan, acerola adalah vitamin C berasaskan makanan keseluruhan yang mengandungi bahan asid askorbik aktif PLUS kompleks penting kofaktor pemakanan lain yang memudahkan tubuh untuk dihadam dan diasimilasikan. Buah ini biasanya tidak dimakan segar, kerana ia mempunyai rasa masam masam, tetapi biasanya digunakan sebagai serbuk dalam minuman, makanan dan resipi. Ia paling kerap ditemui sebagai serbuk kering beku atau sebagai ekstrak air kering semburan. Ini dihasilkan daripada kulit mentah dan pulpa buah yang diproses serta-merta selepas dituai.)

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Where can you find Acerola Cherry?



Acerola is native to the Caribbean and primarily grows in warm, tropical parts of the world.

Origin is Barbados Island and the Caribbeans, Central America – Mexico and Brazil and certain southernmost of North America – Mississippi, Florida, and Northern India.    However, I have tried it and planted it here in Malaysia. The result beyond believes, in actual fact its bear's fruits more, all year round, bigger in size and the climate warm, hots and humid are just right for this robust plant: Acerola Cherry or Barbados Cherry.

Because acerola is so high in vitamin C, consuming 3-5 pieces a day contains the full daily recommended value of vitamin C! Not to mention it’s great for your skin, too.

 Are you looking for a natural way to support a healthy immune system, increase your collagen production or simply improve your health? Just make some effort to plant Acerola Cherry.  A small bushy shrub, when fully grown about 2 years may only require a space of 2 meters in diameter and height of about 2 meters – regular trimming will ensure the conservation of space. 



ACEROLA CHERRIES REASON No.3 - - They are great for your skin.

If your skin is looking dull, dry, or irritated – acerola may be the answer!

Vitamin C is not only vital for your body, but also the health of your skin. Whether applied topically or consumed, vitamin C can reduce redness and even skin tone because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Younger skin contains high concentrations of vitamin C, but as we age those concentrations deplete causing a loss in elastin and collagen. This results in fine lines and wrinkles. Luckily, vitamin C has been shown to boost collagen production and even reverse the damage of aged skin.

 Acerola can also provide deep hydration, because it decreases transepidermal water loss, allowing your skin to better retain moisture.

Another vitamin that promotes skin health is vitamin A, which can also be found in acerola cherries. Researchers from Brown University found that people whose diets included high levels of vitamin A had a 17% reduction in risk for getting squamous cell carcinoma – the second most common form of skin cancer – compared to those who ate low amounts of foods and supplements rich in vitamin A.

The team also found that the majority of vitamin A came from the participants' diets, particularly from fruits and vegetables, rather than from animal-based foods or vitamin supplements.



ACEROLA CHERRIES REASON No:1 - They are good for your brain.

In need of a brain boost? Acerola cherries can help!

Thanks to their high levels of anthocyanins, these berries can improve the function of brain receptors and help protect against memory loss and other cognitive disorders.

Due to its high level of antioxidants, acerola can also reduce inflammation and oxidative stress that cause damage to brain cells and neurons.

Though clinical trials are still scarce, plant-derived antioxidants offer promising evidence in slowing down the progression of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. 

The brain can be described as the most complex structure in the human body. It is made up of neurons and neuroglia, the neurons being responsible for sending and receiving nerve impulses or signals. The microglia and astrocytes are essential for ensuring the proper functioning of neurons. They are quick to intervene when neurons become injured or stressed. As they are sentinels of neuron well-being, pathological impairment of microglia or astrocytes could have devastating consequences for brain function. 

It is assumed that neuroglial activation is largely determined by neuronal signals. Acute injury causes neurons to generate signals that inform neuroglia about the neuronal status. Depending on how severe a degree of neuronal injury, neuroglia will either nurse the injured neurons into regeneration or kill them if they are not viable. These types of neuroglial responses are considered to represent normal physiological and neuroprotective responses. In contrast, some processes that are chronic in nature persistently activate neuroglia eventually causing a failure in their physiological ability to maintain homeostasis. This could have detrimental consequences and may lead to bystander damage due to neuroglial dysfunction.


Acerola Cherry Reason No:1 - The Ancient Superfruit

To put it in perspective: RDV of vitamin C for women is 75mg and 90mg for men. While you’d have to eat 1 cup of oranges to meet the RDV, you can get the same amount from just 3 acerola cherries.

 Why the big fuss over vitamin C? 

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient; the body doesn’t produce it on its own. That means you have to get it from your diet.

The best source of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables, but most people turn to supplements. While supplements may help prevent deficiencies, they often contain synthetic ingredients which are usually derived from GMO corn.

Another reason why getting your vitamin C is better from whole foods: absorption! In fact, vitamin C in Acerola is better absorbed by human beings than synthetic ascorbic acid.

Thanks to its high amounts of vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals, this tropical fruit has a wide range of health benefits.

ACEROLA CHERRIES REASON No:1 - It's can boost your immune system.

As I mentioned before, acerola contains an abundant amount of vitamin C, which is why it’s used to help combat the common cold, flu, and Scurvy.

Multiple studies show a direct link between consuming whole foods high in vitamin C and having a strong immune system. This is due to the fact that vitamin C encourages the production of white blood cells, known as lymphocytes and phagocytes. These cells help protect your body against certain infections and viruses.

Because of this, vitamin C consumption has been shown to reduce the longevity of colds by anywhere from 5% to 21%. In older people who required hospitalization for severe cold symptoms, even a dose of 200 mg of vitamin C was shown to reduce the clinical severity of the illness.

Vitamin C: used  in most COR vs cases:

QR Code To Know more about the component on every 100gm of Acerola Cherry





Monday, December 28, 2020

Introduction - Acerola Cherry : The Best Natural Source of Vitamin C

Acerola Cherry is still the best source of Vitamin C.

I would like to call it, “The Ancient Superfruit” is best known for its vitamin C value, but is it any more insinuating and factual than any of your favorite fruits? Here’s everything you need to know about acerola cherry or commonly known as Barbados Cherry.

Is life are just about going around the myriad of fruits that we use to love, consume and favor. Cherry is one of the most colorful fruits that entices your taste buds. But the cherries in my bowl aren’t being that normal cherry that’s decorated for your cakes and cookies.

So, what’s an acerola cherry? While it may look similar to the ones you find in a cherry photo album, this cherry isn’t even a real cherry. Barbados Cherry is a sweet sour with a tart-like taste.  

Myriad of Colors - Acerola Cherry

And why would you want to add it to your diet?

Here’s the sweet (but tart) truth about this deceptive fruit, where for a long time hidden of its benefit by big pharma. For so long time this ancient superfruit makes inconspicuous by opportunists and extreme capitalist big pharma.  

What is an Acerola Cherry?

Unlike its distant cousins, acerola (pronounced oz-uh-row-la) cherries grow on a shrub that belongs to the Malpighia plant family. Instead of pits, it contains edible seeds, making them more closely related to berries.

Like the acai berry, acerola is full of potent antioxidants known as anthocyanins which give the superfruit its bright red color.

 What does an acerola cherry taste like? It has a sweet but sharp taste, which is why it’s commonly used in syrups, jams, and juices.


Acerola Cherry 2nd most the top source of natural Vitamin C.

Cuma-Cuma Berry and Baobab isn’t the only superfruit known for its high vitamin C content! Acerola’s primary superpower is its high vitamin C content.

 In a 2011 study published in “Food Chemistry,” scientists compared vitamin C content in various fruits. The winner? The acerola cherry, especially when grown naturally and organically.

So how much vitamin C do acerola cherries contain? One cup of acerola cherries packs 1,700mg of vitamin C. You’d have to eat 16 cups of oranges to get that amount!

Other Links for your Information:

Vitamin C - Health Professional Fact Sheet (nih.gov)

Vitamin C | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

ALASAN ACEROLA CHERRIES # 1 - Mereka baik untuk otak anda.

Memerlukan peningkatan otak? Ceri Acerola boleh membantu!

Berkat antosianin yang tinggi, beri ini dapat meningkatkan fungsi reseptor otak dan membantu melindungi daripada kehilangan ingatan dan gangguan kognitif yang lain.

Oleh kerana tahap antioksidan yang tinggi, acerola juga dapat mengurangi keradangan dan tekanan oksidatif yang menyebabkan kerosakan pada sel otak dan neuron.

Walaupun ujian klinikal masih jarang, antioksidan yang berasal dari tumbuhan menawarkan bukti yang menjanjikan dalam memperlambat perkembangan gangguan neurodegeneratif seperti penyakit Alzheimer, penyakit Parkinson dan penyakit Huntington.

ALASAN ACEROLA CHERRIES # 1 - Ia bagus untuk kulit anda.

Sekiranya kulit anda kelihatan kusam, kering atau jengkel - acerola mungkin jawapannya!

Vitamin C yang tidak hanya penting untuk tubuh anda, tetapi juga kesihatan kulit anda. Sama ada digunakan secara topikal atau dikonsumsi, vitamin C dapat mengurangkan kemerahan dan bahkan warna kulit kerana sifat anti-radang.

Kulit yang lebih muda mengandungi kepekatan vitamin C yang tinggi, tetapi seiring bertambahnya usia, kepekatan tersebut habis menyebabkan kehilangan elastin dan kolagen. Ini menghasilkan garis halus dan kedutan. Nasib baik, vitamin C terbukti dapat meningkatkan pengeluaran kolagen dan malah membalikkan kerosakan kulit yang sudah tua.

Acerola juga dapat memberikan penghidratan yang mendalam, kerana ia dapat mengurangkan kehilangan air transepidermal, sehingga kulit anda dapat mengekalkan kelembapan dengan lebih baik.

Vitamin lain yang meningkatkan kesihatan kulit adalah vitamin A, yang juga terdapat dalam ceri acerola. Penyelidik dari Universiti Brown mendapati bahawa orang yang dietnya mengandungi vitamin A tahap tinggi mempunyai pengurangan risiko 17% untuk mendapat karsinoma sel skuamosa - bentuk barah kulit kedua yang paling biasa - berbanding dengan mereka yang makan makanan dan makanan tambahan dalam jumlah yang rendah vitamin A.

Pasukan ini juga mendapati bahawa sebahagian besar vitamin A berasal dari diet peserta, terutama dari buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran, dan bukan dari makanan berasaskan haiwan atau makanan tambahan vitamin.


Acerola berasal dari Caribbean dan terutamanya tumbuh di kawasan tropika yang hangat di dunia. (Itulah sebabnya ia mendapat julukan "ceri Barbados.") Oleh itu, melainkan jika anda tinggal di Caribbean atau di kawasan tropika, anda mungkin tidak akan menemui ceri acerola segar di pasar raya tempatan anda.

Oleh kerana ceri acerola sangat mudah rosak (buahnya terurai dalam masa lima hari selepas penuaian), anda cenderung menemuinya dalam bentuk serbuk. Serbuk ceri Acerola adalah salah satu daripada lima ramuan dalam campuran Vitamin C Boost kami. Sebelum dikeringkan secara semula jadi, buah beri dipilih sendiri di ladang organik kecil di Brazil di mana penuaian buah super ini adalah sumber pendapatan utama mereka. Oleh itu, semasa anda memasukkan makanan yang baik ke dalam badan anda, anda boleh merasa selesa untuk menyokong petani dan keluarga mereka!

Kerana acerola sangat tinggi vitamin C, hanya 1 sudu campuran Vitamin C Boost kami mengandungi nilai vitamin C yang disyorkan setiap hari! Belum lagi ia bagus untuk kulit anda juga.

Adakah anda mencari cara semula jadi untuk menyokong sistem imun yang sihat, meningkatkan pengeluaran kolagen anda atau hanya meningkatkan kesihatan anda? Dapatkan campuran Vitamin C Boost edisi terhad kami secara eksklusif di aplikasi Super Anda! Muat turun di sini!

Catatan: Sekiranya anda mengambil ubat atau anda sedang hamil, berjumpa dengan doktor anda sebelum mengambil campuran ini.


Nutritional Facts & Findings.