Acerola is native to the Caribbean and primarily grows in warm, tropical parts of the world.
Origin is Barbados Island and the Caribbeans, Central America – Mexico and Brazil and certain southernmost of North America – Mississippi, Florida, and Northern India. However, I have tried it and planted it here in Malaysia. The result beyond believes, in actual fact its bear's fruits more, all year round, bigger in size and the climate warm, hots and humid are just right for this robust plant: Acerola Cherry or Barbados Cherry.
Because acerola is so high in vitamin C, consuming 3-5 pieces a day contains the full daily recommended value of vitamin C! Not to mention it’s great for your skin, too.
Are you looking for a natural way to support a healthy immune system, increase your collagen production or simply improve your health? Just make some effort to plant Acerola Cherry. A small bushy shrub, when fully grown about 2 years may only require a space of 2 meters in diameter and height of about 2 meters – regular trimming will ensure the conservation of space.